About Us

Construction worker using smartphone near the construction site

Promoter: A Job Site That Actually Cares

Promoter Jobs USA was created out of a longing for a better job site. Founder of Promoter, Chris Parks, had been applying to jobs online for months via sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and ZipRecruiter, and was growing increasingly frustrated.

These sites claim they can help job seekers land jobs, but they seem more interested in taking money for resume assistance and “Premium” features. They force users to log into hundreds of different sites, creating countless logins and passwords just to fill out a simple application.

A light bulb suddenly went off! What if there was a job site that was different? What if there was a site that actually cared about helping people find jobs?

That’s when Chris created Promoter. Promoter is a job site that is designed to be user-friendly, informative, and helpful. We make it easy to apply to jobs without having to create a new account for every company.

We know that finding a job can be tough, but we’re here to make it easier.

So if you’re tired of the old job sites, give Promoter a try. We’re here to help you find your dream job.

Team Promoter